Land Rover Show 2020
This morning (Friday 20/3/19), after the magazine had gone to print, the organising committee confirmed what has rapidly become the inevitable, the postponement of the SA land Rover Show at Melrose over Easter.
We will be working together over the next month or so to see if we can reschedule for later in the year or wait until Easter 2021.
All registered participants will be notified individually and credit/refund options discussed.
I know some folk plan to spend Easter at Melrose in any case, and why not, it’s a great place to have a relaxing few days. Pre-booked powered sites will be retained.
I urge everyone to monitor our website to keep up to date with all planned club activities, INCLUDING MONTHLY GENERAL MEETINGS.
If you don’t have access to the website, call me on 0457 358 451 OR our trips coordinator, Ann Horvath on 0417 829 744 (after 6:00pm only).

Petrol heads big day out
Many of you are aware that well known radio and TV personality Jeremy Cordeaux has an extensive personal collection of rare and valuable cars. These are housed in a purpose built facility in the Eastern suburbs.
The club has been invited for a viewing on Sunday 17 May 2020
Starting with coffee at 9:15am and ending with a pub lunch somewhere local, interested members should contact Phil Radoslovich on 0439 033 105 to register interest and obtain details.